In the world of science, the apricot called Prunus Armeniaca is known as Malatya. However, research shows that the historical journey of apricot starts from China, mainly from Central Asia, to the Turkic republics, from Armenia, Anatolia and from there to Europe and America.
It was the second home of the apricot apricot since the climate and soils suitable for the cultivation of apricots by Great Alexander's voyages were found in Anatolia. B.C. During the period between the Romans and the Persians in the 1st century, the Armenian merchants were first taken to Italy and then to Greece. In the 13th century Spain and England were taken to France and America in the 17th century, which took many years from Italy and Greece to other European countries.
Apricots are produced in many regions around the world. Turkey 10-15 years of world production of apricots, dried apricots 85-90 ratio of the worldwide production of Malatya, Elazığ, Erzincan meets the region.