Cashew gum trees are a tropical climate plant of the genus cashew. The cashew grown in Brazil is well known in the world by the Portuguese. Most visited in Ecuador dur.16. In the 16th century, the Portuguese found the cashew tree in Brazil. The Portuguese carried the cashew seeds from Brazil to the west African coast and raised them here.
The rainy and humid climates are very suitable for the development of the cashew tree. Due to its climate, the cashew tree began to develop and spread to the west African coast. Africa is also cultivated in Gabon, Angola and Namibia, Mozambique, Kenya and Tanzania. Cashew tree grows in India outside of Brazil and Africa. The largest cashew producer and exporter in the world today is Kerala Cashew Association in India. Brazil is ranked third in the second africa. India's collection time is May and Brazil is October. Cashew fruit does not have economic value because it rots quickly. One of the reasons why cocoa is more expensive than other types of pistachios is that it cannot be cultivated in every climate and only one cashew nut from each cashew diamond. The kernels of the collected kaju apples are extracted and the shell is ejected and eaten.